Orchard Way Primary School


The Governing Board is accountable to the SOLA Multi-Academy Trust which is in turn accountable to the Department of Education. SOLA is responsible for the money that has been delegated to the school.

The Local Governing Board oversees the running of the school and is also responsible for the standard of education the school provides. There are particular statutory responsibilities in relation to, for example, admissions, attendance and behaviour, curriculum, provision for children with special educational needs, premises, staffing, finance, complaints and inspections.

In essence, the conduct and overall management of the school is under the direction of the Governing Board. They work at the strategic level, the day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Head of School, who reports to the Governing Board.

Governors Information 2024-2025

Register of Interest 2024-2025

Our Governing Board consists of:

  • The Head of School;
  • Up to 4 Governors who are parents and are directly elected by the parent body;
  • Up to 2 Governors who are employed by the academy and who are directly elected representatives of the staff;
  • Up to 7 Co-opted Governors;
  • Clerk to the Governing Body.

Governors are appointed for a term of 4 years. Parent Governors can complete their term even if their child leaves the School.

Governors also have particular responsibilities in the following areas:

  • Safeguarding
  • Disadvantaged and Recovery
  • Special Education Needs and Disabilities
  • Health and Safety
  • Risk 

Andrew May - Headteacher


Thomas Rice - Vice Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

I am a postdoctoral research scientist with experience working in industrial, clinical and academic laboratories. In my current role at Queen Mary University and St. Bartholomew's Hospital, I am investigating genes that are involved in the development of disorders of the endocrine system.

Cherry Bartholomew - Staff Governor

I have been a teacher for over thirty years and I have spent the majority of my career teaching in Croydon schools. I have taught mainly in Reception, although I have also taught in Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2 classes.  I have been at Orchard Way Primary School for seven and a half years. I am currently responsible for both EYFS and Key Stage 1. I am the assistant head teacher and the subject coordinator for science, RE, PSHCE and British Values.  Through my role, I am committed to the well-being and development of the whole child and I aim to make a positive contribution to the caring and community-spirited ethos of the school.

Lorna Crooks - Co-opted Governor

I am a Civil Servant with the Home Office where I manage other staff and give lots of policy and operational support and advice. Working in a large organisation means I liaise with a lot of internal and external stakeholders. I am an active member of my church where I am the church clerk responsible for keeping the records and administration. In the past have been a foster sister and supported teenagers to become independent. I love spending time with the young members of my family, friends and church. One of my passions is to volunteer on projects which I have done for a charity (ADRA – Adventist Development & Relief Agency). I also love to be creative and am an expert knitter. I live locally and am keen to contribute within the community.

Hannah Texido - Co-opted Governor

Having trained in primary teaching and taught across Year 3 to 6 over the last twelve years, I would like to continue to support teaching and learning, within another school, as well as at Eaton House, where I currently teach. After teaching Year 4 and Year 5 in two state schools, at the beginning of my teaching career, I moved to Eaton House, where I have been teaching Year 4 for six years. Over the last three years, I have been Head of House, working alongside sixty Arundel boys, organising events and supporting them pastorally. I have also been mentoring PGCE students and Early Career Teachers, which is a role I particularly enjoy, helping to develop the careers of those joining the teaching profession. I am interested in a governance role, as I feel I have the expertise and experience to share with another school. I enjoy working with others, to share our best practice and support one another. I feel, over my time within teaching mentioned above, I will be able to offer sound advice to support a school's success. I am extremely passionate about teaching and will bring my energy and enthusiasm to any school I work with. I will thoroughly enjoy contributing to a school's development plan.

Romana Janku - Parent Governor

My two children attend Orchard Way Primary School (OWPS) and I’m an active member of the community and the current chair of the PTA. I am a Senior Global Portfolio Manager at Westminster Foundation for Democracy.  I’m keen to use my experience to add value to the Local Governing Board and to OWPS as a whole.

Mudassar Malik - Parent Governor

 I am a parent governor for Orchard Way Primary School as well as a D&I governor and Trustee for other educational institutes locally.

I am fully committed to ensuring our children receive the best education possible through excellence in all we do, in order for them to flourish in the best way possible and to gain essential knowledge and skills for their future. I have a passion for openness, equality and fairness. I firmly believe we can all learn from each other, and the rich diversity of our pupils and their backgrounds. Together we are stronger as a community and can achieve more to prepare our children for life outside in a multi-cultural society with sensitivity and understanding, and true inclusion and equity for all.

My leadership experience from a number of other roles ranging from a senior role in the public sector, to my profession as a CIPS lecturer as well as my extensive involvement in the local community, being Chair of a private estate of over 300 owners in Croydon alongside being a member of SACRE Croydon allows me to appreciate the role of being parent governor. I aim to provide strategic support to the Governing Board, whilst holding to account the Head teacher and performance of our staff for better outcomes for our children.

Please click on the link below for the Governor Meeting Schedule:

We are required by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to publish attendance details of Governors Meetings:

Orchard Way Primary School Local Governing Body Committee Meetings, 6:30pm

Meeting 1 - Thursday 17 October 2024

Meeting 2 - Thursday 12 December 2024

Meeting 3 - Thursday 13 February 2025

Meeting 4 - Thursday 3 April 2025

Meeting 5 - Thursday 22 May 2025

Meeting 6 - Thursday 3 July 2025

OWPS Governors Attendance Record 2023-2024Please email the school office on officeowps@solamat.co.uk if you require agenda or minutes of any school governor meeting.