Orchard Way Primary School



At Orchard Way our PSHE lessons aim to develop the whole child and provide our pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to live a positive and healthy life. There is positive teaching on safe-guarding issues, enabling the children to know when and how to ask for help. The curriculum supports social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and it also supports the teaching of British Values, enabling each child to develop their sense of worth and to take their place in both their local community and society as a whole.

Our PSHE curriculum follows the Core Themes and Learning Outcomes provided by the PSHE Association Programme of Study supported by Twinkl Life’s PSHE and Citizenship resources.



In EYFS, the curriculum is covered through the prime area of PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) using a variety of adult-led and self-initiated activities; through which the children develop vital skills that provide the basis for future teaching of PSHE. PSED is taught through the three strands of self-regulation, managing self and building relationships.

In KS1 and KS2, the PSHE curriculum is taught through three key themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

 ‘Health and Wellbeing’ includes physical wellbeing, mental health, keeping safe in different environments and teaching about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

‘Relationships’ focuses on families and friendships, what constitutes positive relationships and how to seek help when needed. Discussions of safe relationships, both offline and online and managing hurtful behaviours are also carried out.

‘Living in the Wider World’ looks at shared responsibilities, how to help each other and how we can look after the environment. Sessions on economic wellbeing include money and aspirations, work and future careers.

There are six themed units over the year, with each unit comprising of six lessons; each theme is revisited every two years, enabling the children to build on previous knowledge and understanding. A variety of different approaches are used when delivering the lessons, including role play, discussion and games. There are opportunities for self-evaluation and reflection, as well as activities to develop confidence and resilience and to build self-efficacy. Potential is also included for the learning to be extended at home.

PSHE education is taught on a weekly discrete basis, with some content also being taught through other subject areas, and within other contexts, such as assemblies or ‘circle time’. Class teachers have discretion to deliver teaching that suits the individual needs of their class; some lessons may be talk based and have no written outcome, an artistic response can be made, or pupils may complete a more traditional written task.



Our PSHE curriculum is monitored through lesson observations, work scrutiny and pupil voice. The subject is also discussed at SLT meetings.

At Orchard Way, our PSHE curriculum promotes self-evaluation and reflection, as well as providing opportunities to discuss previous knowledge and to consolidate new learning.

Our PSHE lessons promote a climate of respect and trust, enabling the children to feel confident about discussing their feelings, articulating their thoughts, asking questions and seeking support. The children are enabled to develop the vocabulary and confidence they will need to successfully interact initially as part of the school community and in the future as part of the wider world. Children will have the skills to understand their own physical and mental well-being needs and those of others. By building confidence and self-esteem, the PSHE curriculum also has a positive impact on academic development and progress and raises the aspirations of all children, including the vulnerable and those with SEND.





At Orchard Way Primary, we believe that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is essential to our pupils’ health and well-being. RSE has a central role in the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of children, enabling them to acquire knowledge, develop their skills and form positive values and attitudes. Through our age-appropriate curriculum, we aim to give children the confidence and knowledge to make good, informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships.



RSE is taught as explicit lessons through the PSHE and science curriculums but is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum and daily life of the school. At Orchard Way Primary, we use the Christopher Winter Project from Reception up to Year Six to teach children the skills of listening, empathy, talking about feelings and relationships with families and friends. In Reception the focus is on being kind, families and friendships. From Year 1, children will learn the correct names of the body parts, the differences between males and females and the ways in which they will develop and grow. This resource also develops our pupil’s knowledge and skills as they learn about the physical and emotional changes of puberty and about reproduction.

If staff feel uncomfortable or unsure when delivering the RSE curriculum or dealing with individual pupil needs, they can seek support from more experienced colleagues. When delivering these sessions, staff are mindful of different family situations as well as different faiths and beliefs. Parents and carers were consulted when the Christopher Winters Project was first introduced and each year the lesson overviews are sent out, so that parents and carers are fully aware of the lesson contents and can offer support at home if necessary.



Our RSE curriculum is monitored through lesson observations, work scrutiny and pupil voice. The subject is also discussed at SLT meetings.

Our approach to RSE strengthens relationships throughout the school, both between peers and between staff and children. We aim for all our children to develop self-confidence and self-awareness, as well as the knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy and safe and where and how to get help if needed. The positive impact the curriculum has on pupils’ health and well-being, also benefits other subjects enabling the children to become successful learners and maximise their potential. Through our RSE teaching, we aim to prepare our children for the next stage in their education, as well as developing knowledge, skills and attitudes for future life.